Attic Cleaning
Scared to go into your attic? Let our professionals help you out!
Rodent Cleanup and Proofing
Let us rid your house of rodents and prevent them from coming back.
Insulation Removal
Save yourself the trouble of cleaning up itchy fiber glass, let us take care of the mess!
Attic Decontamination
Our professionals are trained to clean, sterilize, and rid your attic of any hazards.
Crawl Space Cleaning
Not sure how to clean all the nooks and crannies? Our professionals have all the tools you need.
Dead Animal Removal
Dead animals are both a mess and health hazard; therefore, our professionals are equipped and trained to properly clean and dispose of them.
Rats in Attic Removal
Rats carry a number of diseases – don’t let them nest in your home.
Squirrel in Attic Removal
At Atticpros we trap and remove all unwanted rodents, including squirrels.